Short Law group, P.C.
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Posts tagged "felonies"

Portland man faces murder charges after fight with brother

The holidays can be a stressful time for many Oregon families. With all of the family gatherings, tensions can run high and lead to disagreements. When these disagreements become physical, serious criminal charges can follow. Just because a fight happens between members of a family, does not mean that Portland police will not get involved if they are notified of the behavior.

Man in Portland charged with felonies for laser activity

Many people understand that felony charges are reserved for the most serious of crimes. People know that these include murder and other violent crimes, sex crimes and weapons charges. However, people may not be aware that there are a lot of different types of felonies. Some of these felony charges can even apply when no one is physically hurt by another person's conduct.

Oregon man faces multiple sex crime charges

Police and prosecutors take certain crimes very seriously. One of those crimes are those against children -- particularly child sex abuse. In Oregon, many child sex crimes are felonies that can result in a variety of serious punishments. When people are found guilty of a sex crime, they can face long prison sentences, fines, supervised release and may be forced to register on a sex offender registry.

Oregon police make arrests in murder case

When people are charged with crimes, it is very important that they understand what they are being charged with. All criminal charges are not created equal and people can face very different penalties depending on the specific crime they face. In general, felonies are the most serious types of crimes. Felonies include most violent crimes including murder.

Man faces felony charge for car accident

Whether a person has a criminal record or not can be very important. A criminal record can make it difficult for a person to find stable employment or good housing. In some cases, a criminal record can preclude a person from voting or from owning a firearm. These restrictions can keep people from living the life that they want. In addition to these challenges, a criminal record can result in more serious criminal charges and more severe penalties if someone is charged with another crime in the future.

Portland woman accused of theft faces 17 felony charges

When people think of felony charges, they often think about very serious crimes. These crimes include sex crimes, felony drug charges and violent crimes. Many people probably do not think about theft -- especially pick pocketing -- as being a felony. However, under the right circumstances, Oregonians who have stolen from another can face felonies and very serious penalties.

Man charged with felonies after running from Oregon police

No one wants to get in trouble with the police. People often understand that any police contact can lead to an arrest record, criminal charges and serious potential penalties. In some cases, people's initial reaction may be to run from the police to avoid an arrest. This is often not a good idea and can lead to additional felonies for Oregon residents.

Two Convenient Law Offices to Serve You

Contact us to learn how we can help you overcome the challenges you face. For a free consultation with Short Law Group, call our Portland or Salem offices today at 503-747-7198. If you need an evening appointment or an interview at a police station or jail following an arrest, just let us know. Se habla español.

Portland Office
12755 SW 69th Avenue
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97223

Phone: 503-747-7198
Fax: 503-747-2951
Portland Law Office Map

Salem Office
280 Court Street NE
Suite 290
Salem, OR 97301

Phone: 503-747-7198
Fax: 503-747-2951
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