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Posts tagged "felonies"

We can help Oregonians understand felony charges

From the moment an Oregon resident is arrested, police are gathering evidence against them. In fact, police may have evidence that they could use against a person, even before an arrest is made. This evidence can be used in court to get a conviction that would lead to serious criminal penalties. As police obtain evidence against a person, there is no one looking out for that person's own interests.

What is an Oregon criminal conspiracy?

When Oregonians think about being charged with a crime, they likely think about charges for an actual crime that has been committed. However, there is another category of crimes called conspiracy. In a recent blog post, this blog discussed the case of an Oregon man that was charged with criminal conspiracy to commit murder. This may have left you questioning -- what is Oregon criminal conspiracy?

Men face felony charges for alleged Portland shooting

Of all the different types of felony charges, murder charges are some of the most serious in Portland. The penalties associated with felony murder charges far outweigh many other types of crimes. Charges of this nature are often taken very seriously by police and prosecutors. Therefore, investigations can take months or years before charges are actually brought.

Don't fight felony charges without help

Many Oregon residents are fiercely independent. People pride themselves on being able to handle their own affairs in their own way. They don't like to rely on others for help, but want to make their own way in the world. These are often admirable qualities and something to strive for. However, when it comes to criminal charges -- particularly felonies -- going it alone can be dangerous.

Murder charges and gun rights in Oregon

There are a wide variety of criminal charges in Oregon. When these charges are felonies they can have serious effects on the future of someone's life. Consequences for felony charges in Oregon include probation, prison time, fines, restitution, the sex offender registry and more.

What are the fines for felony convictions in Oregon?

On many occasions, this blog has explained that the potential penalties for felony convictions in Oregon are severe. These crimes are the most serious that a person can face and therefore the penalties reflect that. While many people know that these crimes can potentially include a prison sentence, many people may not realize that they can be sentenced to large fines in addition to the prison time.

What is money laundering?

In a recent article, this blog highlighted the story of several local Portland residents who were arrested on various drug charges. In addition to the drug charges, the men faced charges for money laundering and illegal gambling. According to reports, the individuals had been using a local café to launder money obtained through a gambling ring and from distributing marijuana across the United States. After reading this story, many people may wonder -- what constitutes money laundering?

What is the difference between assault and battery?

When someone is facing felony charges, the person can feel a whirlwind of emotions. They may be in jail as they await criminal proceedings, the may be out on bail, they may be dealing with the stigma of false accusations or the guilt and remorse for a mistake. Often people facing these serious charges are thrown into an unfamiliar legal world where very specific rules apply. They may not understand exactly why they are facing specific charges or even where to begin their defense.

What is measure 11?

Oregon residents are likely aware that they can be sentenced to punishments if convicted of a crime. These punishments often vary depending on the specific charges with misdemeanors having lesser penalties than felonies. Felony charges are generally much more serious and have much more severe penalties. These penalties often include prison sentences.

Two Convenient Law Offices to Serve You

Contact us to learn how we can help you overcome the challenges you face. For a free consultation with Short Law Group, call our Portland or Salem offices today at 503-747-7198. If you need an evening appointment or an interview at a police station or jail following an arrest, just let us know. Se habla español.

Portland Office
12755 SW 69th Avenue
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97223

Phone: 503-747-7198
Fax: 503-747-2951
Portland Law Office Map

Salem Office
280 Court Street NE
Suite 290
Salem, OR 97301

Phone: 503-747-7198
Fax: 503-747-2951
Salem Law Office Map

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