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Portland man faces attempted murder charges after shooting

A person can face felony charges for a variety of activity. Drug charges, sex crimes and certain thefts can all be classified as felonies under certain circumstances. Violent crimes are often felonies, especially when someone's life has been put in danger.

Oregon police recently arrested a man in Southeast Portland on violent crime charges. The 31-year-old man has been charged with a variety of felonies including three counts of attempted assault in the first degree, one count of attempted murder and two counts of attempted aggravated murder. Following his arrest, the man is being held on $815,000 bail.

These charges apparently stem from an incident outside a bar. While details are not completely clear about why the incident occurred, police say that the man fired multiple shots at around 12:30 a.m. while speeding away in a car. The car was found by police the next day and shortly after the man was arrested.

Despite the fact that there were no injuries in this case, the man could still face serious consequences. These can include more than a year in prison, large fines, probation and loss of other rights. Those charged with felony charges including murder charges can also experience a social stigma that makes it harder for them to find employment or housing.

When charged with a felony, people need to understand the exact nature of the charges. Depending on the facts in each case -- including whether a charge is aggravated -- can affect the possible sentencing should the person be found guilty. With the right criminal defense help, people can get a firm grip on the accusations and come up with the best plan for combating the charges.

Source: The Oregonian, "Portland police arrest man on accusations of attempted aggravated murder," Stuart Tomlinson, May 15, 2014

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