Short Law group, P.C.
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With our help, you can understand and fight drug charges

In this recent blog, we helped you understand the difference between the legalization and the decriminalization of marijuana. While this blog post provided some information, it does not even begin to cover everything you need to understand when you are facing drug charges.

Drug charges can be scary and complicated. They often rely on a series of factors that will change depending on the specific charges that a person faces. These charges can also depend on whether you are facing federal or state drug charges. Understanding the complexities is important to crafting the best criminal defense strategy possible.

With our firm's help, it is possible to effectively fight drug charges. Our firm has more than 20 years combined experience with state and federal drug charges. We understand the factors that are important in each case. With this information we can present the right evidence to weaken a prosecutor's case, which in turn could result in reduced or dismissed charges.

Our firm also has the negotiating experience that is necessary in several drug charge cases. In many cases, prosecutors are willing to negotiate and settle the case. Our negotiation skills can help you get the best possible plea deal. The right plea deal can reduce the charges and the potential sentences you face. It can also help to quickly resolve the case, so that it has the smallest impact on your life as possible.

Without the right help, you could face large fines, long prison sentence, probation and more consequences. As a convicted felon, people can have trouble finding housing or stable employment. These consequences can literally effect you for the rest of your life. For more information on how we can help you avoid these penalties, please see our drug crimes webpage. The information could help you initiate or improve your defense against the charges you currently face.

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Contact us to learn how we can help you overcome the challenges you face. For a free consultation with Short Law Group, call our Portland or Salem offices today at 503-747-7198. If you need an evening appointment or an interview at a police station or jail following an arrest, just let us know. Se habla español.

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Portland, OR 97223

Phone: 503-747-7198
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Salem, OR 97301

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